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安静的农舍内,鸭妈妈正趴在窝中闭目养神,静心等待羽毛下那些新生命的到来。可是有一个小家伙似乎耐不住这样的寂寞,他自顾自滚出温暖的窝,径直撞倒了熟睡的汤姆面前。迷迷糊糊的汤姆无意中坐扁了鸭蛋,幸运的是那只莽撞的小鸭子奎克(Quacker)没有受任何伤,望着第一眼看到的汤姆,奎克热情地扑了上去,俨然将馋嘴的老猫当作自己的妈妈。美食在前,汤姆来者不拒,他直起架子,并将奎克绑在上面准备烤熟。刚好路过与此的杰瑞急忙救下奎克,然而奎克毫不领情,认定汤姆就是最最疼爱自己的好妈妈……  本片是制作人Fred Quimby退休之后,两位主创(William Hanna和Joseph Barbera)首次担任制作人的作品。
Khun Nueng, M.L. Sipakorn, is a stunning woman who grows up under her grandmother’s pressure and upbringing. She’s never been allowed to be herself and has never met someone she could feel loved or worthy of. That is, until she meets a young girl with beautiful eyes and a cute appearance, Anueng. Anueng is cheerful and bright, but beneath her smiling face lies hidden sadness in her eyes. Nevertheless, she makes Khun Nueng’s heart flutter like never before. However, the 16-year age difference, family objections, and societal norms refuse to accept their love.


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