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Synopsis: One of Gustav Machaty's (Ecstasy) major achievements, From Saturday to Sunday is marked by a gentle romanticism. Two secretaries go out on a double date, but the inexperienced Mary flees when offered money for sexual favors. She takes refuge in a cafe and encounters a plebeian Prince Charming. The film recounts the simple progress of their romance after they go home together. If the tale is not unusual, the telling is superb. The characters are sharply observed, with a strong sense of social context. Machaty's first talkie is a masterpiece of sophisticated early sound cinema. And the film's credits-Czech jazz founder Jezek, Surrealist poet Nezval, experimental filmmaker Hammid-provide ample proof that in pre-war Czechoslovakia, the avant-garde made significant contributions to mainstream production. (Elliott Stein)
年关将至,远航归来的船员雷孟汉惹上了麻烦——因为殴打了船老板而面临着坐牢或者高额赔偿的困境。 以借钱为条件,更是出于对女儿小琳的牵挂,雷孟汉接受了前妻汪月的请求,帮忙照看三天她高位截瘫的丈夫,小学校长华成之。 雷孟汉的出现,给表面平静如水,其实心如死灰的华成之带来了不一样的感觉。尽管小摩擦不断,但两人的相处还算愉快两个失意的男人逐渐地打开了心扉,互相鼓励,让各自“失败”的命运重新燃 起了希望。


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