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20多岁的苏典典为代表的“金童玉女”式的婚姻,经历了令人羡慕的短暂过程最终失败了;一对年轻人经历真正爱情至上的结合,大难当头考验了他们的情感;已经离了婚的中年男大款、克林顿式的事业成功者,身边女人犹如走马灯;50多岁的知识分子,重病在身的妻子和一辈子忍受寂寞的丈夫,双方都让人同情;陶然姑娘,始终不渝地追求爱情,十分阳光…… 谭小雨、陶然和苏典典都是同一家医院的护士。苏典典和在大医药公司担任经理……
Haru, a bookstore clerk, talks to Yukiko pretending to ask for directions. Haru has detected deep sorrow on Yukikoʼs face. Meanwhile, Haru has been spending days following Tsuyoshi discretely and checking his expressions. In the past, when Haru had lost her mother as a junior high school student, she met and talked separately to Yukiko and Tsuyoshi by chance who seemed to suffer from heartache. The action was brought by the remorse that Haru couldnʼt help her mother while knowing her sadness. Haru has kept watching Yukiko and Tsuyoshi now and then. Occasions that Tsuyoshi, who has been aware of Haruʼs behavior, appears at her workplace and Haru once again talks to Yukiko unfold new dimensions in each relationship. Haru confronts with her own feeling toward her mother and grief during the days passing with the two.


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